If you were born on January 1, 1898 and died in 2008 you would be 110.
If you were born in 1898 and died in 1963, you would have lived for 65 years. To calculate your age at the time of your death, you would subtract your birth year from your death year: 1963 - 1898 = 65.
You would be 37.
you must be approximately around 3000 years old.
1.90 years old.
You lived 4278 days. Today on 03/20/2008, you are 4787 days old
If you were born in 1898 and died in 1963, you would have lived for 65 years. To calculate your age at the time of your death, you would subtract your birth year from your death year: 1963 - 1898 = 65.
The Yukon entered the Canadian Confederation in 1898, making it 110 years old as of the year 2008.
Marco Polo lived from 1254 to 1324. By 2008 he would be 754 years old. Marco Polo was born in Venice, which was its own powerful city-state before the unification of Italy.
they were born in 1899 and lived through the 1900's and live today in the 2000's Another answer: No one can be 3 centuries old. However someone can live in three different centuries. A person could be born in 1898 and live until 2002. That person would have lived in three different centuries. The person would have lived 104 years.
All you have to do is subtract 1898 from 1914. You would be 16 years old. If you were born in 1898 you would now be, as of 2011, 113. And if you were born in 1914 then you would now be 97. The above answer to calculate the difference between two years is correct.
The Marlin model 1898 shotgun was made from 1898-1905.With the serial number provided,I would sat either 1898,or 1899.
The emperor of Rome live many centuries ago so even if he lived to be an old man, he would not have lived until today. No man has lived to be 1,800 years old.
your model 1898 marlin shotgun was made from 1898-1905 with a total production of 67,000 guns.I would assume that with that serial number it was made in 1898 or 1899.
You would be about 11 and a half days old.
A person who has lived for a million years would be a million years old.
Rene Magritte was born in 1898 so in 2011 he would be 113.
How the Athletic Lover Outwitted the Old Man - 1898 was released on: USA: July 1898