If you were born in October, l968 your present age as on date will be 43 years l0 months i.e. 44 years as per Nearer Birthday calculation method. If it is on Last Birthday basis,your age will be 43 years.
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
As of April 2011, someone born on this date would be 32 years old.
As of October 2011, someone born in May 2003 would be 8 years old.
23 years and (since today is October 08) then 23 years and 1 Day old
As of October 2011, someone born on June 23, 1968 would be 43 years old.
Bart Brentjens was born on October 10, 1968.
If you where born in October 1964 you would be 45 years old.
Conrad Richter was born on October 13, 1890 and died on October 30, 1968. Conrad Richter would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 124 years old today.
dermont mulroney was born october 31 1968, he is 42
She is 41 years old she was born in April 16, 1968
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
Jacqueline was born in 1929, she married Onassis in 1968
Rose Wilder Lane died on October 30, 1968.
A person born on October 16, 1993 would be 19 years old and on October 16, 2012 (This year) they would be 20 years old.
Juan Orlando Hernández is 49 years old. He was born on October 28, 1968.
you would turn 42