It will be 2010-1993. So you would be 17 years old if you were born in 1993.
If you were born November 30, 1993 you would have turned 16 in 2009.
You would be 15 years old.16
15 if you were born at the end of June onwards, 16 if you were born before.
It will be 2010-1993. So you would be 17 years old if you were born in 1993.
As of October 2011, someone born in March 1993 would be 18 years old.
A person born on October 16, 1993 would be 19 years old and on October 16, 2012 (This year) they would be 20 years old.
If you were born November 30, 1993 you would have turned 16 in 2009.
You would be 15 years old.16
Depending on when this person was born, this person would be 18.
You would be turning 19.
You would be 17 yrs of age- 2010-1993=17
18 years old in 2011 (After Birthday)
You will turn 21 in 2014.
If you subtract 1993 from 2016 the answer is 23. So if you were born in 1993 you would be 23 in 20166. On the 14 October 20166 you will be 24.