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In July 2012, you would be 4 or 5 years old - depending on whether or not you have had your birthday anniversary in 2012.

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Q: How old would you be if you were born on 2007?
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Anne Frank was born in 1929 and therefor would be 78 years old, if she was still alive.

How old would Jesus be in 2007?

The American Calendar is based on the life of Christ. He was born in the year A.D. 0. So, He would be approximatlly 2007 years old, if He still had a physical body.

If you were born in 2007 what age would you be now?

You would turn 10 in 2017.

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2007 - 1580 = 427

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he would have been 65 born January 17 1942.

How old am i 2007?

you would be 11

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Vince Young was born May 18, 1983 which would make him, as of December 28, 2007, 24 years old.

How old is Teoctist?

Teoctist was born on February 7, 1915 and died on July 30, 2007. Teoctist would have been 92 years old at the time of death or 100 years old today.