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Here is how to multiply using the distributive property:

First, the equation: 9 (x + 3) = 35

There must be parentheses for the distributive property, and a number outside those parentheses. The next step is to multiply 9 by x and 9 by 3 individually, and put an addition symbol in the middle.

The second equation: 9x + 27 = 35

Then, subtract 27: 9x = 18

Divide by 9 on both sides: x = 2.

That is how you multiply using the distributive property.

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The distributive property is not used for simplified multiplication. See for information about how to use the distributive property to simplify other equations. 20 x 12 is already simplified, so the proper way to solve it is 12 x20 ----- 240 You could potentially factor and use the commutative property to find a simpler equation, ex. 20x12 -- break 20 into 10 and 2 10x2x12 -- multiply 2 by 12 10x24 -- multiply by 10 240

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This question is so poorly phrased as to be unanswerable! There is no such thing as a distrubitive property. There is a distributive property but that is a property that applies to two binary operations (for example, the distributive property of multiplication over addition), but NOT to numbers. Also, there is no such word as algabraic. In any case, since there is no such thing as a distrubitive property number or even a distributive property number, it is not possible to convert that non-existent thing into an algebraic expression.

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To be picky, the distributive property is about multiplication, but division is defined in terms of multiplication, so your question can be answered!Say you have (6xy+15y)/(3y). The distributive property will say this is equal to 6xy/3y + 15y/3y = 2x + 5.Notice that the "/3y" has been distributed onto each term inside the parentheses.

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What is the property of 3(x plus 6)3(x) plus 3(6)?

The rubbish browser used for posting questions on this site has nearly trashed your question so I cannot be 100% sure, but I suggest it is the distributive property of multiplication over addition.