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There are a few ways. Assuming the value you want 10% of is in cell A1, then in another cell you could use any of the following formulas:





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Q: How would you calculate 10 percent of something in excel?
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15 / 6058.82 = 0.00247572959751238690041955364246. Formatting the cell for percentages will yield a result of 0.25%

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Excel can do any calculations. It won't have that particular requirement already built in, but once you know how to do calculations with Excel and once you know what is required to do the calculation you need, you can then build formulas to do it. Something like that would not be done in a single formula. You would have a number of formulas to calculate the different elements. It can definitely be done. A basic knowledge of Excel and knowledge of the process required to calculate your requirement, which you can probably get through the authorities, probably on their website or through documentation they provide, is what you will need.

How do you find the percentage on Excel?

You find percentages with excel the same why you would with any other method. Multiply the number times the decimal equivalent of the percent. If you want to find 12% of $132.56, use this formula: =132.56*.12If you store the number in cell A1 and the percent in A2, you can use the following formula to calculate the results: =A1*A2

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To calculate 0.760 percent of a number x, multiply x by 0.76 and divide by 100.

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What multiplies by 0.01 in excel?

percent say cell A30 is 25 then =A30% would get you 0.25

What is the dollar amount of 2.75 percent?

2.75% is a pure number: there is no monetary value associated with it.

Which excel function would be used to calculate the total points a student earned ona aseries of tests?

The SUM function.

A calculation used in excell?

Calculate means Excel will evaluate formulas and functions to display the result. You can turn calculate to manual or auto. When it is on auto, everything is updated in real time. Manual will update when you open Excel or requires to you click the calculate button every time you want to see results.

Calculate 30 percent of 40 and 25 percent of 20 then add the two results together?

The answer would be 17.

What is 30 percent off 120.00?

30% of $120 would be $36. You calculate this by multiplying the percent you want to find and the whole.

The steps to find the mode in MS-Excel?

In Excel you can calculate the mode from the set of values by using the MODE function. If you wanted the mode from the range of cells from A2 to D50, then it would be:=MODE(A2:D50)