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Divide the angle measured in degrees by (180/pi). Alternatively, multiply by (pi/180).

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Q: How would you convert an angle in degrees to angle in radians?
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How would an angle in radians be converted to an angle in degrees?

Multiply radians by (180/pi), roughly 57.3, to get degrees.

What is the value of one 1 in radian?

Integers do not convert directly into radians. Only angular values may, such as degrees or grads. ex: 1x180 degrees = pi radians. 2x180 degrees = 2pi radians. Thusly an angle of 1 degree would be equal to pi/180 x 1 degree.

How do you measure radians?

The distance around the circle created by the angle. If an angle has a measure of 1 radians, it means that if you drew the angle out from the center and measured the distance along the circumference of the circle between the two arms, it would be equal to the radius of the circle. Or, you can convert to radians from degrees. To do this simply multiply the degree measure by pi over 180

A right angle is an angle that is?

A right angle is an angle that is 90 degrees. Anything below 90 would be acute and anything above would be obtuse.

How do you change 7 pie radians into degrees?

The formula for converting radians to degrees is the given angle in radians multiplied by (180 degrees / pi), so in this case, 7 pi radians would be equal to 1260 degrees. (By the way, the greek letter pi isn't spelled with an e).

What angle measures 55 degrees?

An angle that is 55 degrees would be considered an "acute" angle. This is because its measurement does not exceed 90 degrees. Anything above 90 degrees would be considered an "obtuse" angle.

How do you convert radians to degree measures?

Tiesonthewall:If you were converting from degree to radians, you would actually multiply the value of degrees by* π/180 If you were converting from radians to degrees, you would multiply the radians value by:* 180/πDivide by 180° and multiply by pi.

Why is the angle in the center of a polygon always a multiple of nine?

Because if you measure the angle in degrees, it is always 360 degrees. And 360 happens to be a multiple of 9. However, to students of advanced mathematics, the angle at the centre would always be 2*pi radians which is not a multiple of 9.

What is the dimension of angle theta?

It is angular displacement which may be measured in radians, or degrees-minutes-seconds. In 3-D it would be stradians

Which measure of angle is most often used by engineers and mathematicians?

π or π/2 radians for mathematicians (certainly), and I would guess 90 degrees for engineers. Advanced mathematicians use radians rather than degrees as the unit for measuring angles.

What is the difference between degree measure and radian measure?

Radians are measured in terms of pi. Pi = 3.14 (or 180 degrees), so 1 degree = Pi/180 or 0.017 radians. To convert from radians to degrees divide by pi and multiply by 180. For example, 4.71 radians (3Pi/2 in terms of Pi) would be 270 degrees. Reference: Unit Circle hope this article will answer your question. Happy Math

When calculating sin inverse of 50 degrees the answer is in degree or in radians?

You do not calculate sin invrse of 50 degrees. You provide a number between -1 and 1 and calculate the sin inverse of that number. The answer you get is usually in radians in you use a calculator which you could convert to degrees if you wish. For example, sin inverse of 1 is 90 degrees. It means sine of 90 degrees is 1. This is how your question would look like. When calculating sin inverse, is the answer in degrees or radians? It is usually in radians but can easily be converted to degrees. Multiply the radians by 180/PI, where PI=3.14159. Example: sin inverse (0.4) = 0.4115 radians which is the same as: (0.4115)(180)/3.14159=23.6 degrees. This means sin of 23.6 degrees is 0.4.