A number with 24 zeros after it is typically expressed using scientific notation. For example, the number 1 with 24 zeros after it would be written as 1 x 10^24. This notation represents the number as 1 followed by 24 zeros, effectively conveying the magnitude of the number in a concise and standardized format.
70 sextillion sextillion is a number with 21 zeros septillion is a number with 24 zeros your number has 22 zeros. it is not quite a septillion but it falls in the category of a sextillion
200 Septillion. A Septillion is a number with 24 zeros.
24 zeros in septillion. See the Related Link for the number of zeros in other bizarre numbersTwenty-four.
70 sextillion sextillion is a number with 21 zeros septillion is a number with 24 zeros your number has 22 zeros. it is not quite a septillion but it falls in the category of a sextillion
A 1 with 24 zeros after it
200 Septillion. A Septillion is a number with 24 zeros.
24 of them.
A number followed by 23 zeros is called a "septillion" in the short scale naming system used in the US and modern British English. In the long scale system used in some European countries, it is called a "trilliard." This number is represented by 1 followed by 24 zeros in standard numerical notation.
One candidate for the hardest number to say is "septillion," which is a 1 followed by 24 zeros. This number can be challenging to articulate due to its length and complexity.
We can figure this out by writing said number out, or dividing it's exponent in exponential/scientific notation to find how many pairs of zeros that is. So 72/3 = 24 pairs of 3 zeros. We then write out 24 zeros as placeholders and count up in reverse by each decimal place, giving a number above million a name based on how far it is from the hundreds place. So we will do this: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 where a 0 is a placeholder for 3 zeros and count them backwards until we reach one, naming each number by a combination of latin names. So hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, undecillion, duodecillion, tredecillion, quattuordecillion, quindecillion, sexdecillion, septendecillion, octodecillion, novemdecillion, vigintillion, unvigintillion, duovigintillion. There are 24 of those when you count, adding up to 24 pairs of 3 zeros. And if you pay attention to the fact that there are 24, and we counted up in the latin naming system to what would be 22 with viginti- meaning 20 and duo just meaning 2, we can make a guess as to whatever the number name is by subtracting 2 from the number of pairs of zero. Say we want to find what a number is with 96 zeros. We take 96/3, which is 32, and with the naming system we use triginti for 30 and duo for 2, so that would be duo- triginti - illion or duotrigintillion. Take note that since we are using latin based numbers, they will be flipped from what english users are used to. Thirty two will take the form two thirty if we use the same system as in latin. The 10s place will be said 2nd. Now what if we have an odd number of zeros? That usually means we have a number that has, say 10 in the first group when we group by 3 zeros. This will change it because instead of, say a number with 96 zeros, we can have a number with 97 zeros. In this case we just need to take that zero out of the number to make it easier to name. So we take that single 0 out of the number so it will have 96 zeros, an even number which we can divide by 3. Then we name it and put that zero back to the original first digits and we say that number then the latin name we figured out. So that would be, say, thirty duotrigintillion or we can take it up another step where we have 98 zeros, and since 98 isn't nicely divisible by 3, we just subtract until we get one that is divisible by 3 and add that remaining value to the first number again. That would be, for example, 300 duotrigintillion. There are resources online, such as the big numbers wiki, that can help you learn this system if I did not explain that very well