Ten thousand one hundred thirty-nine millionths.
To write 14.09 in words, you would first write out the whole number part, which is "fourteen." Then, you would write the decimal point as "point" or "and." Finally, you would write out the decimal part as "zero nine" or "nine hundredths." Therefore, 14.09 in words is "fourteen point zero nine" or "fourteen and nine hundredths."
six thousandths
I would write is as: one, point, one zero seven.
You would write it as... four point two nine four
this is the words i create
In the UK we would write:- Nineteen thousand two hundred and sixty five.
4.008 = four and eight thousandths
Three and forty-five hundredths.
I would write 4.00961 as four and nine hundred sixty-one hundred thousandths.
Expressed in words, this would be read zero point five two one four.
That would be:five and three hundred nineteen thousandths
Four thousand, seven hundred ninety.
[Zero] point one nine five six.
eight trillion fifty four billion
I would write it as twenty-four thousandths.
In the same way that you have done.Unless you were seeking to write it out in words, whereas you would write it like this:Three hundred and ten thousand, four hundred and fifty-six.