It is 3.009
.816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form .816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form .816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form
Seven thousandths in decimal form is 0.007
Nine thousandths would be 0.009.
You write 54 thousandths in decimal form as: 0.054
Two hundred twenty-five thousandths would be written as 0.225 in decimal form.
To write 51 thousandths in decimal form, you would place the digit 5 in the hundredths place (0.05) and the digit 1 in the thousandths place (0.001), resulting in the decimal 0.051.
Seventy thousandths would be 70/1000 or 7/100. In decimal form, that would be 0.070.
Oh, dude, it's like super easy. So, one and three hundred thousandths in decimal form is just 1.0003. Like, you just write the whole number part as it is and add the decimal part after the point. So, yeah, that's it.
It is 3.009