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Q: How would you write five hundredth as a decimal?
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How do you write five hundredth's as a decimal?

It is: 5/100 = 0.05 as a decimal

How do you write 512.01 in decimal form?

It is already in decimal form. Five hundred twelve and one hundredth(s) is an alternative.

How do you write seven and three hundredths in decimal form?

Expressed as a decimal, 7 3/100 is equal to 7.03.

How do you write nine and three thousand five hundred seventeen hundred-thousandth in decimal form?

You cannot write a decimal like that because 3 thousand isnt igger than 517 hundredth thousand

What is Round 30.089 to the nearest hundredth?

In the decimal system, the first number after a decimal is the tenth spot, then the hundredth, then the thousandth. Also, when you round, if a number is above five, then you round to the next number, if it is below five you stay with the number you have. In this case the answer would be 30.09.

How would you write five thousands in decimal form?

Five thousands in decimal form would be 5000.00 (to two decimal places) If you meant Five Thousandths, then it would look like 0.0005.

How do you write Five and eight hundreds as a decimal?

You would write five and eight hundreds like... 5.08

How do you round 7856.427 to the nearest hundredth?

after the decimal it is (from left to right) tenth, hundredth, thousandth etc.. if the thousandth is equal to or greater than five, you round the hundredth up. In this case you would get: 7856.43

How do you write nine and thirty-five thousandths as a decimal?

You would write it as... 9.0035

How would you write five and six hundredths in decimal form?

Five and six hundredths in decimal form is 5.06