Ringvirkninger(salget i en annen avdeling før skatt) * skattesats
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Skatt Brothers was created in 1979.
Skatt Brothers ended in 1983.
Kjæreste or Skatt. Min kjæreste or min skatt.
The cast of Olsenbanden jr. Mestertyvens skatt - 2010 includes: Jonas Hoff Oftebro as Kjell Jensen Fridtjof Tangen as Benny Franzen
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern --ATT. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter A and 4th letter T and 5th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: blatt pratt scatt skatt tratt
Oh, dude, you wanna know how to say "treasure" in different languages? Alright, here we go: in Spanish, it's "tesoro," in French, it's "trésor," and in German, it's "schatz." So, like, now you can impress people with your worldly knowledge or something.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 101 words with the pattern S---T. That is, five letter words with 1st letter S and 5th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: sabot saint saist salet sault saunt sayst scant scart scatt sceat scent scoot scout scrat scuft shaft shakt shalt sheet shent shift shirt shist shoat shoot short shott shout shunt sicht sient sight skart skatt skeet skint skirt skort slant slart sleet slept slipt sloot sluit smalt smart smelt smolt smoot smout smowt snift snirt snoot snort snout souct spait spalt spart speat spelt spent spilt spirt splat split spoot sport spout sprat sprit spurt squat squit start stent stept stilt stint stoat stoit stopt stott stout strut stunt sturt suent suint surat swapt swart sweat sweet swelt swept swift swopt
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 105 words with the pattern --A-T. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter A and 5th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: abaft adapt agast alant amaut apart avant avast await beast beaut blart blast blatt boart boast bract brant brast chaft chant chapt chart clapt clart clast claut coact coapt coast craft dealt diact draft drant enact epact exact exalt feast fract ghast ghaut giant graft grant heart heast hiant hoast idant inapt kiaat kraft krait kraut leant leapt least liart loast lyart meant orant peart plait plant plast pratt quant quart react reast riant roast scant scart scatt shaft shakt shalt skart skatt slant slart smalt smart spait spalt spart start swapt swart toast tract trait trant trapt tratt tuart unapt wrapt wrast yeast yrapt
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 247 words with the pattern S-A--. That is, five letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: scabs scads scaff scags scail scala scald scale scall scalp scaly scamp scams scand scans scant scapa scape scapi scare scarf scarp scars scart scary scath scats scatt scaud scaup scaur scaws sdayn seals seame seams seamy seans seare sears sease seats seaze shack shade shads shady shaft shags shahs shake shako shakt shaky shale shall shalm shalt shaly shama shame shams shand shank shans shape shaps shard share shark sharn sharp shash shaul shave shawl shawm shawn shaws shaya shays sials skags skail skald skank skart skate skats skatt skaws slabs slack slade slaes slags slaid slain slake slams slane slang slank slant slaps slart slash slate slats slaty slave slaws slays smaak smack smaik small smalm smalt smarm smart smash smaze snabs snack snafu snags snail snake snaky snaps snare snarf snark snarl snars snary snash snath snaws soaks soaps soapy soare soars soave space spacy spade spado spaed spaer spaes spags spahi spail spain spait spake spald spale spall spalt spams spane spang spank spans spard spare spark spars spart spasm spate spats spaul spawl spawn spaws spayd spays spaza spazz stabs stack stade staff stage stags stagy staid staig stain stair stake stale stalk stall stamp stand stane stang stank staph staps stare stark starn starr stars start stash state stats staun stave staws stays suave swabs swack swads swage swags swail swain swale swaly swami swamp swamy swang swank swans swaps swapt sward sware swarf swarm swart swash swath swats swayl sways