21.00 is 25% of 84.00
If the original price was 50.00 - then the sale price would be 37.50
If 75% of the original price is gone, then $13 is the remaining 25%.$13/0.25 = $52.00
It is 21.25 dollars.
If an item is selling at 64% of its original price and gets reduced by an additional 25%, the sale price would be calculated as: Initial sale price: 64% of the original price. Reduction: A further reduction of 25% on this 64%. To calculate the final price after the additional reduction: Final Price=64%×(1−0.25)=64%×0.75=48% So, after the additional 25% reduction, the new sale price is 48% of the original price.
Let x equal the original price. Let's say the sale is 25 percent off. That means that 0.75x = the sale price. To find the original price, divide the sale price by the decimal equivalent of 100 minus the discount. Example: You bought an item for 48.00 that was marked as being 20 percent off the original price. The original price was 48.00 divided by 0.80 or 60.00
25% of 60 = 15 OR if you are saying, it now costs $60 and it is 25% of the original price, then the original price = $240.
If it is FOR 25% then 12.50
The original price was $104.00
The original price was $140.00
The sale price will be $138.75
20 is 80/100 of original price, ie 4/5 so original price was 25.
If a pair of jeans cost 25% more than the original price which is 40, then the selling price of a pair of jeans is 50.