To convert a number in standard form to normal form, you need to move the decimal point the power number of digits to the right if the power is positive and to the left if it is negative, inserting 0s as necessary.
To get from 4.1232 to 41232 the decimal point need to move 4 digits to the right, so the power of 10 is 4, ie:
41232 = 4.1232 × 10⁴
→ m = 4
To get from 4.1232 to 41232 the decimal point need to move 4 digits to the right, so the power of 10 is 4, ie: 41232 = 4.1232 Γ 10β΄ β m = 4.
m+m when m equals 2. 2+2 4
what m-23
To get from 4.1232 to 41232 the decimal point need to move 4 digits to the right, so the power of 10 is 4, ie: 41232 = 4.1232 Γ 10β΄ β m = 4.
If m equals 3 then m to the 6th power (m6) equals 36 or 3 x 3 x 3 or 27
m+m when m equals 2. 2+2 4
m = 24
m = n/(n-1)
M = mass
When M equals 25, then M divided by 5 is 5. It makes no difference what N is.