To find what percent 107 is of 530, you divide 107 by 530 to get 0.2028. To convert this decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100 to get 20.28%. Therefore, 107 is approximately 20.28% of 530.
295 to the nerrest ten
You have to do a conversion to your local time. If you live in the GMT + 5 (Eastern standard time) and wish to find out when an even in GMT + 1 is at you would add four hours. It is the difference between the time zones. If you want to find out what time an event is at that is GMT - 4 you would add 9 hours, because 5 - -4 is 5+4 = 9. That is the general rule, your GMT - Other TimeZone. GMT + 5 - GMT - 4 = 5 - -4 GMT + 5 - GMT + 1 = 5 - 1 Then the result is added to the time.
530 / 80 = 6.625 hours
5:30 GMT would be 12:30 at night EST.
GMT 5:30 is 10:30 PM MST. This is because Mountain Standard Time (MST) is 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), so you would subtract 7 hours from 5:30 PM GMT to get 10:30 PM MST.
1000hr to 1700hr GMT plus 8 means that the time range is from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM in a time zone that is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
North American area code +1 530 is in northern California, so it is in the U.S. Pacific Time Zone, which is GMT-08:00 in winter (Pacific Standard Time) or GMT-07:00 in summer (Pacific Daylight Time).
GMT plus 4
delhi is 5 hours and 30 mins plus from GMT
13 hours
364 plus 166 equals 530.
GMT or Greenwich Mean Time is a time standard for the world and has no set location. While many people assume that its location is London, this is not the case, as London only matches GMT for about half the year. The other half of the year it is GMT plus 1. GMT is slowly being phased out for UTC time, or Coordinated Universal Time.