

Best Answer

(34 mile/gallon) x (1.609 km/mile) x (gallon / 3.785 liter) = 14.46 km/liter

If you're going to be doing this several times, then before we crumple up this piece

of scratch paper and discard it, we can pull a couple of numbers out of the calculation,

boil them down to a single number, and keep it handy.

1.609/3.785 = 0.425 There it is. For any vehicle, multiply its mpg by 0.425 and you get its km per liter.

Or, if you see an ad for a European car, divideits km per liter by 0.425 and you get the mpg.

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Q: If a Car travels 34.0 mpg of gasoline how many kilometers could it travel on one liter of gasoline?
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