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Since the number of chickens and eggs are the same, you can simplify both to one. Therefore, a chicken can lay an egg every day and a half. 6/1.5=4, therefore it would take four hens.

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Q: If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half how many hens to lay six eggs in six days?
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1 and a half hens lay 1 and a half eggs in 1 and a half days How many eggs will 7 hens lay in 7 days?


A chicken farmer observed that a hen and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half How many hens does he need to produce 1 dozen eggs in 6 days?

2 hens because 1 hen lays 1 egg a day and 2 hens would lay 12 eggs in 6 days

A chicken farmer has figured out that a hen and a half can lay a egg and a half in a day and a half How many hens does the farmer need to produce one dozen eggs in six days?

AnswerThree hens will lay 4 eggs each.Here's the logic: Hmm, 1.5 hens lay 1.5 eggs in 1.5 days doubled (to form usable whole numbers) is 3 hens laying 3 eggs, in the same 1.5 days.4 times the number of days (6) gives 4 X the number of eggs (3 eggs X 4 = 12 eggs) So, 3 hens taking 4 times as long (6 days) lay 12 eggs. AnswerTake away the halves. 1 hen will lay one egg each day. Therefore, he needs 2 chickens.

If a hen and a half laid an egg and a half in a day and a half how many eggs would 3 hens lay in 8 days?


If a hen and a half laid an egg and a half in a day and a half how many eggs would 5 hens lay in 6 days?


If a hen and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half how many eggs would six hens lay in six days?


Two hens lay 2 eggs in 2 days how may eggs in ten days with ten hens?

uhh.......... 100 eggs.

How do hens take care of their eggs?

on sitting on them Hens on a farm lay eggs into straw and the hens sit on the eggs until they hatch. Hens in large chicken farms do get to have such a luxury. The chickens' eggs are kept under heat until they hatch.

Can hens lay green eggs?

Yes some hens do lay green eggs.The araucana chicken lays green eggs.

How long do chicken eggs naturally incubate before hatching?

Fertile chicken eggs hatch in about 21 days, given warm temperatures and proper movement of the eggs by the hen. If you don't have a rooster in your flock, the hens won't lay fertile eggs and they'll just spoil.

If a chicken and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half how many eggs will 6 chickens lay in 6 days?

6.666 or 7.....___________Hmm... tough to crack, so to speak. Will I end up with egg-on-face? It would not be the first time. I think we could break it out this way: If in a given length of time [any length of time-- 1.5 days in this case] 1.5 hens can lay 1.5 eggs, it stands to reason that 3 hens will lay 3 eggs in the same length of time, simply by multiplying by 2. [You wouldn't multiply the time period. If one person can draw a stick figure in 2.5 seconds, 100 people can draw 100 stick figures in 2.5 seconds.] At first it seemed that you cannot add together the 'half-egg' of one 'half-hen' to the 'half-egg' of another 'half-hen' to arrive at one egg, but if you imagine two hens side-by-side and draw an imaginary line down through the middle of one of them, it becomes clearer. They each produce an egg in 1.5 days, but you are only considering half of the second hen, and half of her output.So we have the concept that any hen lays an egg in 1.5 days. In a 7 day period, the hens will have the opportunity to complete 4 full cycles of 1.5 days each, taking 6 days out of the 7. So each of the 6 hens will have laid 4 eggs, giving 24. Each hen is also two thirds of the way to completing another egg, but those eggs are of course not yet laid, unlike the half-egg in the original statement. So I think the answer is 24 actual eggs, not counting the 6 eggs-in-production that will appear 12 hours into the 8th day. Or you could say that 6 hens will lay 30 eggs in 7.5 days.If I have made a fool of myself, please be merciful and give me the 'coup d'omelette' as quickly and painlessly as possible. I am not so hard-boiled that I cannot be proven wrong and take it with meringue.EDIT:MathematicllyOne has to set up the ratio of eggs per day and multiply by total number of days 1.5 eggs/ 1.5 days (7)=XIf you multiply this by the total days it would be easy however one also has to include the new amount of Hens.The Formula is:Eggs / Unit of time(Z)(A/B)=CZ= number of total daysA= New number of HensB= Original HensC= Total Eggs for given time and Hensexempli gratia1.5/1.5(7)(6/1.5)=28 laid eggsLogicallyIF:1.5 Hens In 1.5 Days Lay 1.5 Eggs ____________________________________________________________________Than if you double the days, the same amount ofHens will lay double the Eggse.g1.5 Hens 3 days 3 eggsAgain1.5 Hens 6 days 6eggsAlso if you double the Hens you can double theamount of output or Eggs3 Hens 6 days 12 eggsAgain6 Hens 6 days 24 eggsSo one can clearly see the amount willbe slightly better than 24 eggs..

If two hens lay two eggs in two days how many eggs will ten hens lay in ten days?

Chickens lay one egg every 28 hours (on average), so to get an average of two eggs per day you would need two hens. However, if you want to be assured of at least two eggs a day, you should probably have three hens. Also, when hens go through a molt and swap out their feathers, they stop laying eggs until their feathers have grown back in.