24 times. When the minute hand lines up with the hour hand that is 0 degrees. This happens every hour.
On an ordinary clock, with 12 hours on the face, the hour hand rotates360 degrees in 12 hours30 degrees in 1 hour = 60 minutes1/2 degree per minute5 degrees in 10 minutes
It moves 0.1 degrees per second. There are 360 degrees in a full circle - so, every minute that passes, the hand moves six degrees. Thus, every second, the hand moves one tenth of a degree (6 degrees divided by 60).
The minute hand of a clock turns about 360 degrees each hour.
6 degrees. There are 360 degrees in a full circle, and therefore for every second the hand moves through one sixtieth of a circle.
5/60 Degree
A circle is 360 degrees.
According to that, the hand will move 5/60 or 1/12. Every minute on a clock face is 6 degrees. An hour hand will move 30 degrees in an hour.
the hour hand moves 30 degrees in every hour, the minute hand moves 6 degrees each minute Clocks hand moves 1/60 of a degree every minute1 hour = 60 minutes60 * 1/60 = 1The clocks hand move 1 degree an hour
24 times. When the minute hand lines up with the hour hand that is 0 degrees. This happens every hour.
On a normal 12-hour clock, the hour hand moves 360° in 12 hours, 360° in 720 minutes, or ½° every minute, not 1/60°. In one hour, 60 minutes, a normal 12-hour clock's hour hand will move 30°.
45 Degree
360 degrees.
No! There are 360 degrees in every circle, not more because the clock is bigger.