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42 cookies

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Q: If someone baked 3 12 dozen cookies how many did the person bake?
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Why does a bakers dozen have thirteen eggs?

At one time when a person went to a bakery shop and ordered a dozen of anything, a baker would include an extra one. That way if the baker miscounted, the person still got their dozen. So if a person ordered a dozen cookies, a person usually got 13 cookies. Sometimes the baker miscounted and gave the person 12. Still this kept the customer from being mad because he only got 11 cookies. He had ordered a dozen and gotten a dozen. So a baker's dozen consists of 13 of an item.

How many cookies in 3 dozen?

3 dozen would be 36 cookies, unless it is a bakers dozen in which case your total would be 39 cookies.

How many cookies are in 3 dozen?

There are 72 cookies in 6 dozen of cookies.

How many servings are in a dozen cookies?

Each dozen is equal to 12 cookies so for each dozen multiply that by 12.

What are 3 homophones this sentence: My mom and I baked chocolate chip cookies for the bake sale at school. We made for dozen cookies. They all sold out almost instantly?

One homophone is: Eye to I

Nine people at a cookie exchange each brought a dozen cookies for each other person how many cookies were brought to this exchange?


How much is 5 dozen of cookies?

Oh, dude, 5 dozen cookies is like 60 cookies. I mean, if you really want to get technical, a dozen is 12, so 5 dozens would be 5 times 12, which equals 60. But who's counting, right? Just give me the cookies!

How many cookies does two dozen make?

Two dozen cookies are 12 x 2 = 24 cookies.Note, there are 12 to a dozen.

How many cookies in 3.5 dozen?

A dozen is 12, so it is 42 cookies, as 3.5 x 12 = 42.

A recipe that makes 3 dozen cookies requires 2 cups of sugar. How many cups of sugar are needed to make 5 dozen of these cookies?

If it takes 1.5 cups for each dozen, then 5 dozen takes 7.5 cups of sugar.

What was the price of Girl Scout cookies in the 1930's?

Before 1935, individual Girl Scout troops baked and sold their own cookies. Prices ranged from 25 to 35 cents per dozen cookies. In 1933, the Girl Scouts of Greater Philadelphia Council baked cookies and sold them in the city's gas and electric company windows for 23 cents per box of 44 cookies. The price stayed between 25 and 40 cents for the rest of the decade.

How many dozen make 28 cookies?

2 and a third dozen. 2 and two thirteenth bakers dozen. a dozen is twleve a bakers dozen is 13