20 years old
They would be 33 if they were born in 1979
They will be 26 this year.
All you have to do to figure out this problem is subtraction!Our two numbers are 1942 (when the person was born) and 2011 (the year it is right now).So, if you want to find out how old someone is now, you take 2011-19422011-1942_______69So your answer is 69, so if you were born in 1942, you would be 69 years old right now, in 2011.
Well, if you're 45 years old now, you must have been born in 1977 or 1976 depending on your birthday. Math isn't rocket science, darling!
20 years old
As of right now he is 22, but his birthday is Augest 15
Ida Kiefer was born on September 5, 1982, in USSR [now Russia].
Joe Jonas is 21 years old right now in 2010. His birthday is on 15th augest
Ted Harrison is now 84 years old, and his birthday is Augest 28th, 1926.
Karo Parisyan was born on August 28, 1982, in Yerevan, USSR [now Armenia].
Ileana Lazariuc was born on April 12, 1982, in Baicoi, USSR (now Moldavia).
Nesrin Cevadzade was born on July 30, 1982, in Baku, USSR [now Azerbaijan].
Maja Mandzuka was born on February 27, 1982, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia [now Serbia].
Elena Lev was born in 1982, in Moscow, Russian SFSR, USSR [now Russia].
Svetlana Loboda was born on October 18, 1982, in Kiev, USSR [now Ukraine].
Yusuf Aslanyurek was born on February 26, 1982, in Moscow, USSR [now Russia].