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Q: If there is 25 questions how many points it count off?
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How many points to take off with 130 questions?

If you took a test with 130 questions on them each question would value approximately 1.3 points per question.

How many points will be taken off for each question on a 35 questions test?

If the test is worth 100 points, each question would be worth approximately 2.86 points.

How many points are counted off on a 25 question test?

If all questions are weighed evenly, they would be worth 4 points each. But a good teacher would weigh each question differently on most tests.

How many points you take off of eighth questions?

The answer would depend on the eighth question of WHAT! And since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

What are interview questions done by telephone?

Most questions used in a phone interview are the same as a typical interview. The advantage you have as the interviewee is you can write down a list of key points to make, and check them off as you bring up your strong points.

Why do students skip questions on the SAT test and is this helpful any?

A skipped, none answered question will get NO points deducted. An answered wrong question will get a 1/4 of a point deducted. In the math section, if you get an answer to a student produced response question wrong, no points will be taken off. So its really up to you, 4 wrong answers equals 1 point taken off. 4 (or however many) skipped questions equals no points added or deducted.

Does the emt test go to 150 questions?

It depends. There are different levels of questions. The higher level ones are worth more points. So, you start off with a level 1 question. if you get that right then you get a level 2 question. If you get that one right then you go to a level 3 quetion. If you answer a lot of the level 3 questions correctly then you'll have to answer less questions. However, if you only answer the level1 questions you will have a lot more to answer. The test shuts off when you get enough points to pass or when you've missed so many that there isn't enough questions left for you to be able to pass. Hope this clears things up!

How many points is each question on a 80 questions test?

On a scale of 100 and all questions the same points, each question is 100/80 = 1.25 points eachAnswer:As points per question is the teacher's prerogative one question could be worth all the points with remaining 79 worth nothing. Some tests start off with an "Instructions" section which directs student to read all of the questions first, before answering any. The next to last question instructs the student to only do the last question.

How many points do you take off of a 48 question math sheet?

It is not clear why anyone should take any points off.

How many questions are asked in this website per week?

I believe that there are many questions asked in a week. When i mean many, i mean many as in a lot of questions so get off my back.

An introduction given before a piece of music that is performed to indicate the tempo?

It is call count off.