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180 degrees, if the triangle is on a flat surface.

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Q: If you add up all the angles of triangle then what is your sum?
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Related questions

What do all the angles of a triangle add up to?

Sum of angles in a triangle is 180

What is the sum of all angles in triangle called?

The sum of the 3 angles in any triangle add up to 180 degrees.

What is the sum of all of the interior angles of a triangle?

The interior angles of a triangle all add up to 180 degrees.

When can the sum of the angles of a triangle not add up to 180?

The sum of the angles of a triangle MUST add up to 180o.

What do the three angles of a triangle always add up to?

The sum of all angles in a triangle always add up to 180 degrees

What is a sum of a angles in a triangle?

in a regular (equilateral) triangle, all angles are 60 degrees, to add up to 180

If you add all the angles in a shape which of these shapes would have the smallest sum triangle square rectangle rhombus?

Triangle, since the sum of its angles is 180. The sum of the angles of the square, rectangle, and rhombus are all 360.

In a triangle what do all the degrees add up to?

The sum of the angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees.

How can you prove that a triangle has a sum of 180?

You would add up all the angles.

What is true about the sum of the angles of any triangle?

No matter what, all three angles of the triangle will ALWAYS add up to 180 degrees.

What is the sum of the angles in a triangle?

The Interior angles of a triangle add up to 180° The Exterior angles of a triangle (or any other polygon) add up to 360°.

What is the sum of two angles of the triangle?

all of the angles in a triangle add up to 180 but i cannot help you because the two angles could be anything?