You were born in 1993 (if the current year is 2017).
24 years if you have had your birthday this year, 23 otherwise.
Calculated in 2010, the year of birth was 1986.
Rouphly 1986
Oh, dude, if you're 24 years old, you were born 24 years ago. So, like, just take the current year and subtract 24 from it. It's not rocket science, man. So, like, if it's 2021, you were born in 1997. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
You were born in 1993 (if the current year is 2017).
Born October 24, 1986
March 24, 1874
If now is 2010 you were born in:1986
Until If you had your birthday in 2010 you would have been 23 and after that, 24.
Born December 24, 1991, Louis Tomlinson is born in the year of the Metal Goat.
Amy Vedder was born on Mach 24, unknown year. If you know what year Amy Vedder was born please answer.
24 years if you have had your birthday this year, 23 otherwise.
Calculated in 2010, the year of birth was 1986.
He was born on March 24, 1874
24 October 1985.
April 24, 1931