If you were born in 1999 you would graduate from high school in the year of 2017.
You were born in 1993 (if the current year is 2017).
If born in 2003 the 14th birthday is in 2017
If you were born in 1999 and the current year is 2017, you would be 18 years old. This is calculated by subtracting your birth year (1999) from the current year (2017).
1996 + 21 = 2017
If you were born in 1999 you would graduate from high school in the year of 2017.
You were born in 1947 if you have had your birthday in 2017, or else 1946.
Subtract 22-2017 and you get the year they were born. Easy peasy.
To find out your age, you subtract 1976 (the year you were born) from the current year (eg 2017). 2017 - 1976 = 41 Thus in June 1976 you would be 41 (before your June birthday you would be 40).
As of 2017, you were either born in 1986 or 1987
If you celebrated your 13th birthday this year (2017) - you were born in 2004 !
If you are 20 in 2017, then you were born in 1997.
2017 − 42 = 1975 was the year of birth.
You were born in 1993 (if the current year is 2017).