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10 miles

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Q: If you run 10 miles per hour what is your distance covered?
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At 10 miles an hour what is the distance covered in 1 second?

At 10 miles per hour, a distance of 10.67 feet is covered every second.

Distance50 miles per hour distance 50 and d 50 all represent which of the following?

The distance covered while traveling at a rate of 50 miles per hourThe distance covered while traveling at a rate of 50 miles per hour.

What does 60 miles per hour mean?

It means a distance of 60 miles covered in 1 hour

What distance is covered by a man walking 3 miles per hour for 12 hours?

3*12=36 miles

What does it mean to travel at 60 miles per hour?

It means that if you travel for an hour you will have covered a distance of 60 miles. If you travel for a longer or shorter time you will cover a proportionally longer or shorter distance.

Distance covered when traveling at 30 miles per hour?

That will depend on how long you keep it up. You'll find that for every hour you continue traveling at that speed, you've covered another 30 miles.

What is the average speed of 100 miles in 5hours?

Average speed = (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance) =100/5 = 20 miles per hour

The Taylor family drove for 1 hour at a rate of 60 miles per hour and drove for 2 hours at a rate of 45 miles per hour then what was their average rate?

During the first hour, they covered (60 x 1) = 60 miles.During the next 2 hours, they covered (45 x 2) = 90 miles.The total distance covered was (60 + 90) = 150 miles.The average rate was (distance/time) = (150/3) = 50 miles per hour.

You drive a car 2 hours at 40 miles per hour 2 hours at 60 miles per hour how many miles will you travel?

If you drive a car at 40 miles per hour for two hours,then the distance covered will be 80 miles.If you drive the car for another 2 hours at 60 miles per hour ,then you will cover another 120 miles.The total distance you will cover is thus 80 miles + 120 miles = 200 miles.

What is 126 miles per hour when expressed in seconds?

To convert miles per hour to seconds, you need to know the distance covered in a specific time period. Miles per hour is a unit of speed, while seconds are a unit of time. Without additional information, it is not possible to directly convert 126 miles per hour into seconds.

How do you figure out the speed of an object?

Speed = distance covered / time taken e.g. 60 miles _________ = 30 miles per hour 2 hours

What is the meaning of abbreviation mph?

It is a measure of the average number of miles covered in a period of one hour.