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Q: If you spent one hundred thousand dollars a day how long would it take to spend 1 billion?
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How much do you spend on fuel for rockets?

about a hundred thousand dollars

How can you spend one hundred thousand dollars?

With 100,000 dollars, you can buy 100,000 items at a dollar store.

How long will it take to spend half a billion dollars if you spend 10000 a day?

Fifty thousand days or roughly 137 years.

How long would it take to spend one billion dollars at one million dollars per hour?

one thousand hours :D

How much money does the average American spend on fast food in a year?

110$ BILLION a year.... the fast food business is taking over the world!!!!

How long would it take to spend 1 billion dollars if I spent 1 million dollars a month?

One thousand months. 83 years, 4 months.

How much money is spent in U.S on Mother's Day?

Type your answer here... 2 1/2 billion dollars

What to do if you have a hundred dollars?

spend it

If you have 1 billion dollars and you have to spend 1 thousand dollars a day how many days to spend it all?

1 million is 1000000 1 billion is 1000 million = 1000000000 = 10 to power 9 If you spend $1000 (10 to power 3) a day, a billion dollars will last you (10 to power 9) / (10 to power 3) = (10 to power 6) = 1000000 days. If you consider on an average that a year has 365 days then 1 billion dollars will last you (1000000/365) = 2739.7 years

How long would it take to spend a trillion dollars at spending one billion dollars a day?

The currency is $ therefore A trillion means a million million. 1,000,000,000,000 A billion means a thousand million. 1,000,000,000 It would therefore take 1,000 days.

How long would it take to spend 50 billion dollars if you spend 1 million a day?

50 billion/1 million = 50 thousand days = nearly 137 years. In short, you could not, because you'd be dead before you spent it all.

How much does the US spend on electricity every year?

The U.S. spent about four hundred billion dollars on electricity as of 2011.