If you were born in 1983, how old would you be?If you were born in 1983, you would be 27. To get that answer, you would do 2010-1983.
Someone born in 1983 would be 27 years old in 2010.
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
Saying you were born on august 1, 1983. You would be 26 years and 8 months old.
As of June 2010, someone born in November 2000 would be nine years old.
26 years old ...
You would be 27 on the 5th June 2010
If you were born in 1983, how old would you be?If you were born in 1983, you would be 27. To get that answer, you would do 2010-1983.
June 30, 1983 Cheryl Cole was born in 1983 on June 30th and is 29 years old.
Someone born in 1983 would be 27 years old in 2010.
In June 2013, you would be 29 years old. You'd reach 30 in 4 months.
If the date today is the June 23, 2011 you are 28 years old. so your welcome!
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
Anja Rubik is 34 years old. She was born on June 12, 1983.
Josh Cribbs is 34 years old. He was born on June 9, 1983.
Drew is 27, he was born June 17th, 1983