If you graduated in 2009, you were likely born in 1991 or 1992, assuming you graduated from a typical four-year college program starting after high school. This calculation is based on the assumption that most students enter college at around age 18.
If you were born in 1973, you would typically graduate high school at age 18, which means you would have graduated in 1991. However, if you pursued a higher education, such as a bachelor's degree, it typically takes 4 years to complete, so you would have graduated from college in 1995.
If you are 19, then you were born in 1990.
She graduated in 1990.
If you graduated in 2009, you were likely born in 1991 or 1992, assuming you graduated from a typical four-year college program starting after high school. This calculation is based on the assumption that most students enter college at around age 18.
Christopher McCandless graduated in 1990 from Emory University with a degree in history and anthropology.
Robin Wasserman graduated college in 1990.
no and she graduated from Oak Ridge High School in 1955 so if she was born in 1939 she graduated at age 13. I was born in 1939 and graduated in 1957 she was not in my class. Must have been born in 1937.
Gorillas are apes.
anything you wuold like to know.
i dont know but that wuold be so cool
Yes she did. I graduated from Southwestern in 1990. I believe she did the show in 1987 or 88.
I was born in Dec 2005 .I haven't graduated yet
which wuold be cause of the end of our life
cold and wetbut freakishly awesome looking