16 or 15 depending on when in 2010 you mean and when your birthday is. If you mean after your 2010 birthday, then 16.
15 years old as of 2010.
16If you are born in 1994 you would be 16 i believe16
On your birthday in May of 2010, you turned 16. You'll stay that way until your birthday in 2011.
you would be three
If you were born in 1953 you would turn 57 in 2010.
2010 - 1994 = 16y.o.
If you were born in Febuary 1994, then you would be sixteen in Febuary 2010.
If you were born in December 1994 you will turn 16 in December 2010.
Calculated from 2010, your age is 16 years. (2010 minus 1994 = 16).
Assuming the current date of June 2010, a birthdate of January 1994 would make you sixteen years old.
15 - You will become 16 in September 2010.
16 years of age, in October 2010.
If you are born on March 14, 1994 you would currently be 15 years old turning 16 on March 14, 2010.
15 years old as of 2010.
15 or 16 years old (depends on the month you were born).
16 in 2010