If you were born in 1996, you would be 14 years old in 2010. This is because you would simply subtract the birth year (1996) from the current year (2010) to find the difference in years.
If you were born in 1953 you would turn 57 in 2010.
then your 14 years old (year 2009) because in 2009 you must be 14 & 2010 15 and in this year 16. i born in 1996 im 16 years old in this year...!!
You would be 13 years old
If you were born in 1983, how old would you be?If you were born in 1983, you would be 27. To get that answer, you would do 2010-1983.
As of November 2011, someone born in January 2010 would be one year old.
As of 2010, the age would be 14 years old. (2010 minus 1996 = 14).
Assuming you had already celebrated your birthday, you would be 2010-1996 = 14 years old. If you had not yet celebrated your birthday, you would be 13 years old.
On your birthday in 2010, you'll turn 14.
In 2010, you would be 13 until your birthday, and would turn 14 on your birthday.
If you were born on October 31 1996 you would be 4875 days old on Mar 7 2010.
you will be 14 years old from 2010 not 2008.
Assuming the current date of March 2010, you would be 13 years old.
As of June 26th 2010 you would be 5,225 days old.
14 years of age in August 2010.
I would be 17 until December 11, 2010. On December 11, 2010, I would turn 18. If only . . .
In 1996 when you was born, you was zero. This year, in 2010, you're 13 until your birthday. Then, on your birthday in 2010, you turn 14.
If you were born in 1996 you would be 13.