On your birthday in any given year, add 2 to the last 2 digits of the year.
You turn 15 on your birthday in 2013.
You turn 16 on your birthday in 2014.
You turn 17 on your birthday in 2015.
A person born in 1998 would turn 14 in 2012
18th birthday will be in 2016
In 2014, you would be 16 years old
As of January 2018, you would be 19 years old.
If you were born in 1938, you are 75 years old now.
If you were born on febuary the third in 1998 you would be 15 now.
You are now 19 years old.
you should be 12 years old by now.
11 now (Nov 2009).
You will be 12 right now
2009 - 11 = 1998 The horse was born in 1998
If you are born in 1998 and it is now 2011 you are 13 sometime in 2011!hope this question was useful to you!-thanks-Danlar33
she was born on August 31, 1998 and now she is , 11 yrs. old
She is 13. She was born on 10th March 1998.
She's 13 now in august shell be 14years old and she was born in 1998
if you were born in 1998 and it 2017 how old
ZACHARY GORDON is 13 because he was born on February 15 1998.