If you were born December 16th, 1992, you should be 18 years of age.
If you are 16 years old, you were born 16 years ago. To determine the year you were born in, you would subtract 16 from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2023, you would have been born in 2007.
If you are born on January 16, your star sign is Capricorn (December 22 - January 20).
You will be 16 years old on your birthday.
Given today's date of December 18, 2009, the difference between today and November 16, 1961, including both the start and end date, is 17595 days.
Either 17 or 16.You would be 17.Actually if you were born in December of 1992 and it's before your birthday in 2009, you would still be 16.
Given today's date of December 16, 2009, you would be 17 years old.
Jordan Yates from pureNRG was born on December 3, 1992. He is currently 16 years old. true
18 December 16, 1992
Nick Jonas was born on September 16, 1992
You would be 16 yrs old.
Welsh singer Lloyd Daniels was born December 14, 1992 and was 16 when he appeared on the UK show in 2009.
They were born in 1992.
... as of 16 Sept 2008. He was born: born September 16, 1992 .
If you were born in December 1994 you will turn 16 in December 2010.