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I am pretty sure it is Topography.

And yes it does start with T. :)

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Q: If you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area you would be studying the?
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If you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area you would be studying what?

Topography .

IF you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area what would you be studying of the area or the lay of the land?

the answer is Topography

If you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area you would be studying the what of that area?

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What is it called when you study the shape or surface of a geographic area or when you study the land?

The study of the shape or surface of a geographic area is called geomorphology, while the study of the land itself is known as physical geography or sometimes earth sciences.

If you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area you would be studying about what of that area or the lay of the land?

Studying the shape of the surface of a geographic area is known as topography. It involves analyzing the physical features and elevation changes of the land, such as mountains, valleys, and plains, to understand the terrain and landscape of the area. This information is essential for various purposes including urban planning, resource management, and environmental assessment.

What is the study of the surface of a geographic area called?


The study of earths surface and the processes that shape it are known as?

The study of Earth's surface and the processes that shape it is known as geology. Geologists study a wide range of processes, including plate tectonics, erosion, weathering, and sedimentation, to understand how the Earth's surface has evolved over time.

What can be determined by studying the shape of classic grains?

There is a few things that can be determined by studying the shape of classic grain. This is called the palynology study.

What if you were to study the shape of the surface what is the name of that area?


How do you study Geometry?

You study all the formulas of volume, area, perimeter, and surface area of each shape

What is the present progressive form of study?

The present progressive form of "study" is "studying." For example: "I am studying for my exam."

What is the present continuous tense of study?

The present continuous tense of study is "am/is/are studying." For example, "I am studying," "He is studying," "They are studying."