Not all information have accuarte information
Unfortunately, the browser used by for posting questions is incapable of accepting mathematical symbols. This means that we cannot see the mathematically critical parts of the question. We are, therefore unable to determine what exactly the question is about and so cannot give a proper answer to your question. Please edit your question to include words for symbols and resubmit. Here, for example, there is no symbol before 58.
"A shark peeling a banana before eating it" is a non example - of most anything!
Internet information is not 100 percent reliable. Suggestion is that you compare information from reliable sources with other sources before using information.
It would help if the question stated after which landmark number.
ok whats your options '
ok whats your options '
Will I need to rent a car, or can I can rent bicycle.
Before you can answer this question you must first know the location of the property, because location is the most important information to value property.
What kind of clothes should I take
What kind of clothes should I take
Where Santa WHAT? You need to finish your question before it can be answered.
Will I need to rent a car, or can I rent a bicycle?What kind of clothes should I take?Apex Approved
Will I need to rent a car, or can I rent a bicycle?What kind of clothes should I take?Apex Approved
After the question mark. Example: "Where are the keys?"
We need more information before we can answer your question.
Reflective question require people to examine their existing knowledge or information before giving a thoughtful response for example, 'Which parts of Australia have you visited so far?'