you would be 22 years old
If the person is turning 22 in 2012 they were born in 1990. If they were already 22 in 2012 and will turn 23, they were born in 1989.
In 2012, you would have been born in 1990 if you have had your birthday this year. 1989 if you are 22 and haven't had a birthday yet this year.
Depending on their exact birth date their age would be: Between January and Today: 2010-1988=22 Between Today and December: 2009-1988=21 Therefore, the person can be either 21 or 22 years old if they were born in the year 1988.
If you are 29 years old you are born in may 6,1983
If you were 22 years old you would be born in 1999
he was born in 1986 he is 22 years old. he was born in 1986 he is 22 years old.
he is 22 years old
As of 2/23/12, 22 years old.
In 2013, a person would have been born in 1991 to be 22 years old in 2013. In 2014, a 22-year-old was born in 1992, depending on which month their birthday falls.
Derek- 22 years old. He was born January 15, 1987. Casey- 22 years old. She was born September 26,1986. Lizzie- 14 years old. She was born February 8,1995. Edwin- 17 years old. He was born December 12,1991. Marti- 11 years old. She was born in 1998. Nora- 43 years old. She was born March 7,1966. George- 44 years old. He was born October 9,1964.
Kerry Earnhardt is 42 years old. He was born on December 8, 1969.
you would be 22 years old
22 years old.
You would be about 22 years old.
No, she 19 years old born on July 22, 1992
Alyssa Bernal is 22 years old. Born on December 22, 1989.