Well, honey, if you were 31 years old, you were born in 1990. Simple math, my dear, subtract 31 from the current year and there you have it. Now go on and enjoy being in your thirties, you spring chicken!
He is 32 now he was born in the year 1980
32 years old as of December 11, 2009.
As of April 2011, someone born on this date would be 32 years old.
You would be 32 in July this year (2009)
Subtract 2013 - 32 = 1981. If they turn 32 years old in 2013, they were "zero years old" (i.e., born) in the year 1981.
1988. Simply subtract 32 from the current year.
Calculated in 2010, the year of birth was 1978.
No he is not. This year, the year of 2011, November, he is 32. He was born in October,1979
he is 32. He was born on April 26, 1977 so he will be 33 this year.
A 32-year-old is born in the year 1989 if we assume that the person has celebrated their birthday in the current year.
Born on 12/18/1980, ( December), So in the year 2013 Christina is 32 years old.
29 years old
Well, honey, if you were 31 years old, you were born in 1990. Simple math, my dear, subtract 31 from the current year and there you have it. Now go on and enjoy being in your thirties, you spring chicken!
32 years
You would be 32 years old