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no, all sides are equal but only all opposite angles are equal, except the special case of a square where all angles are equal to 90 degrees

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Q: In a rhombus are all angles equal?
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Is a rhombus a a parallelogram with all equal angles?

No. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all equal sides. A parallelogram with all equal angles is a rectangle (which might also be a rhombus and a square).

Are the angles of a rhombus all equal?

A rhombus looks like a lopsided square, or a diamond shape. It is a parallelogram with four equal sides. The angles of a rhombus do not all need to be equal BUT opposite angles of a rhombus ARE equal. If you were to "straighten it up" and make all the angles equal at right angles, it would be a square. A rhombus with four right angles is a square.

What is a parallelogram with all sides congruent but not the angles?

A rhombus has all sides equal but not angles. The opposite angles in a rhombus are equal though.

Does a rhombus have equal angles?

A rhombus is shaped like a diamond. It has equal sides but it does not have all equal angles. However the opposite angles are equal .

Is a parallelogram with all sides equal and all angles equal?

This would be a square. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. A square is a rhombus with all angles equal (to 90°)

Does all angle of a rhombus equal?

A rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram, where all sides are equal length. A rhombus and a parallelogram have the opposite vertices are equal angles, but adjacent angles are not necessarily equal.

Does a rhombus have all their angles equal?


Is square a parallelogram with all sides equal?

Not unless all angles are also equal. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. A rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles equal. A square is a rhombus with all angles equal which is a parallelogram with all sides equal and all angles equal.

Does a rhombus have all equal sidesand angles?

Not necessarily.The sides of a rhombus are all equal.The angles are all equal only if it's a square; then they're all right angles.If it's not a square, then the rhombus has two pairs of equal angles.

Does a rhombus have all equal angles?

No but it has 2 equal acute angles and 2 equal obtuse angles

Is a rhombus a regular polygon?

No. A regular polygon has equal length sides and all the angles are equal. A rhombus has equal length sides, but only the opposite angles are equal. Since all the angles are not equal, the rhombus is not a regular polygon and is known as an irregular polygon.

When does a rhombus have equal angles?

A rhombus has two equal opposite acute angles and two equal opposite obtuse angles with all four angles adding up to 360 degrees.