3 meters
The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers. In meters, this is: 384,400 kilometers × 1,000 meters/kilometer = 384,400,000 meters. So, the average distance to the Moon is approximately 384.4 million meters.
Square meters measure area but linear meters measure distance.
Invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and meters is a measure of length or distance.
If the diameter (distance from one side of the circle to the other) is 26 meters then the circumference is 81.68141 meters. If the radius (distance from the center of the circle to the edge of the circle) is 26 meters then the circumference is 163.3628 meters. -D
The rate of movement observed in the experiment was 5 meters per second.
0.5 m in 2 hours would be 1 m per hour.
In one hour the snail moved 0.25, therefore the speed was 0.25 per hour
0.5 m in 2 hours would be 1 m per hour.
The distance between Polaris (North Star) and Earth is approximately 433 light-years, which is about 4.086 × 10^18 meters. This distance is constantly changing due to the movement of both Earth and the star.
Movement is typically measured in distance units such as meters, feet, or kilometers. In the context of physics, movement can also be measured in terms of velocity (distance traveled per unit of time) or acceleration (change in velocity per unit of time).
The distance of 20 meters is the same as the distance of 65.6 ft or 787.4 inches.
The speed of the bird is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken: 48 meters / 24.0 seconds = 2 meters per second.
A distance of 3.2 kilometers = 3,200 meters
The distance from the sun is 150E9 meters, 150 Giga meters.
A distance of 300 meters is 30% of a kilometer.
45 feet = 13.72 meters