A number that is divided by another number is called the dividend. In a division operation, the dividend is the number that is being divided. The result of the division is called the quotient, while the number by which the dividend is divided is called the divisor.
It is the dividend
A dividend To me: dividend / divisor = quotient divisor might also be called dividor
In a division sum, such as 12 / 3 = 4, the dividend is 12. The second number is called the divisor, and the answer is called the quotient.
dividend ÷ divisor = quotient
The number being divided is called the dividend while the number that divides the dividend is called the divisor.
A number that is divided by another number is called the dividend. In a division operation, the dividend is the number that is being divided. The result of the division is called the quotient, while the number by which the dividend is divided is called the divisor.
It is the dividend
A dividend To me: dividend / divisor = quotient divisor might also be called dividor
The divisor is the number that divides
the divisor.
In a division sum, such as 12 / 3 = 4, the dividend is 12. The second number is called the divisor, and the answer is called the quotient.