The mean of a single number is the number itself. So the answer is 969.
the product is the answer to when you have to multiply two numbers together.The product is the result when things are multiplied together.
- What does Ran# mean in maths? Ran# is a scientific way of describing a number with "3 digits before the point" (Thousandths) Below are some examples of Ran#: 0.835, 0.196, 0.166, 0.764
The product is synonymous with multiplication.I.e.5 * 4 = 20So, 20 is the product of 5 and 4.
The product in Maths is a number that you get by adding or deducting the numbers. Plus, or Minus is an important part of maths. Learning and understanding how to find the product in maths is an important foundation for developing their skills in maths.
The product is the answer to a multiplication problem i.e. the number we get after multiplying two numbers is called their product for ex. in 7x4=28 The product is 28
It means multiplication
Product means multiply in maths. 12*15=180
The mean of a single number is the number itself. So the answer is 969.
It's a number.
the product is the answer to when you have to multiply two numbers together.The product is the result when things are multiplied together.
The mean is usually the arithmetic mean - there are other means in maths. For a set of numbers, the arithmetic mean is the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers.
it means first number in latin
All the numbers added up then divided by the number of numbers there are