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When one of the confederates didn't agree :)

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kimberly Briseno

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1y ago
all of these are correct - just did it on apex

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Q: In the asch experiment what decreased conformity?
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Asch's famous line experiment dealt with what central social psychological phenomenon?

Asch's famous line experiment dealt with the central social psychological phenomenon of conformity, specifically studying how individuals are influenced by group pressure to conform to the incorrect answers given by others.

Findings of the Solomon Asch study on conformity?

The Solomon Asch study found that individuals are likely to conform to a group's opinion even when they know it is incorrect, due to social pressure to fit in. This revealed the power of social influence and the importance of individual independence in resisting conformity.

What are independent and dependent variables in Asch's experiment on conformity?

Independent variable: Number of confederates providing the wrong answer Dependent variable: Level of conformity

Solomon Asch's experiment on group conformity demonstrated that?

Because of group pressure, most people are willing to say things they know are not true.

What did not lower conformity rates in asch's experiment?

when the confederates were more attractive

What analysis was implied in Solomon Asch experiment and what was the design?

The Solomon Asch experiment aimed to study conformity by observing how individuals would conform to a majority opinion, even if it was incorrect. The design involved a subject being shown a line and asked to match it with one of three lines of different lengths, while confederates purposely gave the wrong answer. Asch then analyzed how often the subject would conform to the incorrect majority opinion.

In Solomon Asch's Conformity Experiment what are the variables?

The variables in Solomon Asch's Conformity Experiment were the presence of a unanimous majority opinion, the size of the majority group, and the difficulty of the task. These variables were manipulated to see their effect on the participants' likelihood to conform.

In the Asch studies people named the wrong line even though they knew it was wrong. This is called?


In the Asch experiment what did the subject do?

In the Asch experiment, the subject was asked to answer simple questions, such as which line was the same length as a standard line. The subject was surrounded by confederates who purposely gave incorrect answers. The subject then had to decide whether to conform to the group's incorrect answers or trust their own judgment.

In Asch's study, having one person disagree even if that person suggested another wrong answer?

Caused conformity rates to go DOWN

What are the strengths of asch's conformity study?

Asch's conformity study has many strengths. Firstly, it was a highly controlled experimental set-up. There was a control group and a group with other people, meaning that any major difference in results is only going to be due to that one change. Secondly, unlike Sherif's study, there was an objectively true answer to the questions given. This answer was also easy to find, with only 0.7% errors being made in the control case. That means that any mistakes in the group setting will be a measure of raw conformity. Finally, the participants were asked after the experiment why they conformed. This gave the experimenters some ideas as to why people conformed, not just the fact that they did.

What was the hypothesis of asch's experiment?

that a person could be influenced to say the wrong opinion due to peer pressure