In the number 463211889, the digit 4 has the value of 4 x 109, or 4000000000. That gives it the gratest value, numerically in the number as a whole.
The 4 has the greatest value. It is in the 100 billionths place.
The four in the hundreds place.
In the number 23.496, what is the value of the underlined digit?
The farthest to the left.
The greatest place value will be whatever non-zero digit is farthest to the left. Look at the digit immediately to the right of it. If that digit is four or less, zero it and everything to the right of it out. If that digit is five or higher, increase the greatest digit by one and zero everything to the right of it out.
The 4 has the greatest value. It is in the 100 billionths place.
It is 4 because its place value is 400,000,000
It is the first digit 4 which represents 400,000,000
That depends on the value of the other number which has not been given.
The digit with the second greatest value in the number is '1'. its value is second to the largest number which is 2.
The "7" digit had the greatest value because it is in the UNITS column.
The highest individual digit is 8, but the 4, in the hundreds place, has the greatest value.
the No is 1 and its value is 10 million.
The 1st digit which has a value of 500
Unless the one at the extreme left is zero, then the digit with the greatest value is the one at the extreme left. So in the above number the digit 4 has the greatest value which is 4 followed by 8 zeros; which is 400,000,000 = four hundred million.