In C programming you would use the following: char a[] = "abcdeabcde"; If you wish to create an array with more than one string, use an array of character pointers instead: char* a[] = {"abcde", "fgh", "ijklm", "nopq", "rstu", "vwxyz"};
The letter "e" completes the sequence.
The next letter in the sequence AAAAA is 'E'. It is a vowel sequence.
55,73and 110
The letter "U".The letter "U" is next in this sequence, because the pattern is the top row of a standard keyboard. QWERTYUIOP is the top row sequence.
why would the letter I be the next letter in the sequence: C A R R
If you are asking when the 63rd Esperanto Congress was, it was in 1978, in Varna, Bulgaria.
When you answer sequence questions, look for a repetition anywhere. We can see that the first letter and the last letter is an 'F' so the sequence must be FHEXFHEXF.... so your answer is F.
There has only been 44 elections. We have not reached the 63rd election for President yet.