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Q: In this parallelogram mADE
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Related questions

What is true about a parallelogram?

There are many true statements which can made. One such is:"a parallelogram is a plane figure".

What is made when you combine a triangle with a parallelogram?

A Pentagon

Is a parallelogram a obtuse angle?

No, a parallelogram is made from four lines whereas an obtuse angle comprises two lines.

Can a parallelogram be made by joining 2 triangles?


Can a parallelogram be made by joining two triangles?


Can A parallelogram is a rectangle?

you wrote "Can A parallelogram is a rectangle?" which does not make sense. have you made a mistake and not realised or is English your second language or something.

Is a parallelogram a parallelogram?

yes a parallelogram is a parallelogram

If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?

If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?

Show that every section of a prism made by a plane parallel to its lateral edges is a parallelogram?

Show that every section of the prism made by a plane parallel to its lateral is edge is a parallelogram

Is a parallelogram with congruent sides a square?

No. If you made a parallelogram with congruent sides it wouldn't necessarily have congruent angles. A square has to have congruent angles as well as congruent sides.

Is there a rectangle that is not a parallelogram and why?

No there is not. Rectangles are always made of two sets of parallel lines.

Is a parallelogram a trapazoid?

No, a parallelogram is not a trapezoid.