1931 if they have had their birthday already this year. Other wise it would make them born in 1930.
56 years & 79 days old.
79 or 80 depending on when your birthday falls.
In 2010 their age will be sixty-eight.
If you graduated in 2001, you would typically be around 22 years old. This is because most students graduate from high school at around 18 years old and then complete a four-year undergraduate degree, making them around 22 at the time of graduation.
79 + 79 = 158
79 years old.
As of 2009, Neil Armstrong was 79 years old. He was born on August 5, 1930.
She is 70 years old. She was born in 1942.
79 (after your birthday).
56 years & 79 days old.
He was born August 5, 1930. That makes him 79 years old.
Ali Ghandour is 79 years old. He was born in 1931.
A "septuagenarian" is a person who is 70 through 79 years old.
He was born in 1887 and died in 1966, therefore he was 79 years old.
David Bailey is 79 years old. He was born on 2 January 1938.
Michael Jayston is 79 years old. He was born on 29 October 1935.