what is the next letter e h l q
Oh, dude, let me get my crystal ball out for this one. Hmm, let's see, based on my expert deduction skills, I'd say the next letter is probably... oh, who cares? Like, it's just a random series of letters, not like we're cracking the Da Vinci Code here.
Next Two Letter is A and W. Final Series = W A T N T L I T F S Check in Statement : 1st letter of each word 'W'hat 'a're 't'he 'n'ext 't'wo 'l'etters 'i'n 't'he 'f'ollowing 's'eries 'A'nd 'W'hy
59 is the next number in this series.
what is the next letter e h l q
The next (and last) letter is C. Just as a countdown counts backwards, this series is "countdown" spelled backwards.
c is next
Press the insert key
Oh, dude, let me get my crystal ball out for this one. Hmm, let's see, based on my expert deduction skills, I'd say the next letter is probably... oh, who cares? Like, it's just a random series of letters, not like we're cracking the Da Vinci Code here.
It's the letter D of course! Haven't you heard of Jason D?!
Well, honey, if you can't see the pattern in front of your face, I don't know what to tell you. The next letter in the series is A. It's alternating between the alphabet and skipping one letter each time. So, get with the program and pay attention next time.