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Madison Harlow

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Q: Is 1 seventh bigger than 1 tenth?
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Is 1 seventh greater than 1 tenth?


Why is one third greater than one seventh?

It is a bigger chunk. Example One third of the pie is bigger the one seventh.

Is one fourth bigger than one tenth?

Yes, 1/4 is bigger than 1/10.

How is one seventh greater than one tenth?

With fractions the bigger the bottom number the smaller the piece. If you were eating pie, you would rather have 1/2 a pie than 1/4 of a pie, because half is a lot bigger than a fourth. It's like money, right? If we are talking about a dollar, then 1/2 = 50 cents, and 1/4 equals a quarter. 1/7 = about 14 cents, and 1/10 = a dime.

Is nine tenths bigger than one tenth?

Yes it is 9 is higher than 1

How a tenth is related to a hundredth?

One tenth is ten times bigger than one hundredth. That is 1/10 = 10 x 1/100.

Is a decimetre bigger than a metre?

No, a decimetre is one tenth (1/10) of a metre.

What fractions are less than 1 ninth?

1 tenth 1 eleventh and so on. 1 eighth would be bigger

Which one is bigger 0.448 or 0.68?

0.488 contains 4 tenths and a bit more which is less than 1 tenth 0.68 contains 6 tenths and a bit more which is less than 1 tenth 6 tenths are bigger than 4 tenths → 0.68 > 0.488

What is 1 tenth rounded to?

The answer depends on the degree of rounding. To the nearest tenth (or smaller) it is 1 tenth. To the nearest unit (or bigger) it is 0.

Is 10th of a mile bigger than 1 meter?

Yes, one tenth of a mile is equal to 160.9344 metres

Is 0.3 bigger than 0.15?

Yes, since 3 is in the tenth place it is .30 and it can be more but remember 3 is also bigger than 1 and can be added zeros as much as it wants.