One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters. Therefore, 1 gallon is less than 4 liters. This conversion is based on the fact that 1 gallon is equal to 128 fluid ounces, and 1 fluid ounce is approximately 29.5735 milliliters, which translates to 0.0295735 liters.
To compare 6 quarts to 5.9 liters, we need to convert both units to the same measurement. Since 1 quart is approximately equal to 0.946 liters, 6 quarts is equal to 5.676 liters, which is less than 5.9 liters. Therefore, 6 quarts is less than 5.9 liters.
You are trying to convert volume into weight. You need to supply more information. 600 liters of WHAT?
5 Liters sounds more logical than 5mL.
1 US fluid gallon is 5.36% less than 4 liters, and it doesn't matter what's in it.It could even be empty and the number would still be the same.
A can of soda would be more likely to be measured in liters, as it is a consumable liquid that is typically sold in standard units like milliliters or liters. Gasoline is usually measured in gallons or liters when dispensed in gas stations.
Acetone 100ml for every 40 liters of gasoline not more nor less this is the ratio.
No, it is less
More dense.
Less. 1.9 is closer to 2.0.
three liters are more than a gallon
is 4 liters more less or equal to 3500 milliliters
No, gasoline weighs less than water.
5 liters is more than 520 milliliters. One liter is equal to 1000 milliliters, so 5 liters is equivalent to 5000 milliliters.
One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters. Therefore, 1 gallon is less than 4 liters. This conversion is based on the fact that 1 gallon is equal to 128 fluid ounces, and 1 fluid ounce is approximately 29.5735 milliliters, which translates to 0.0295735 liters.
30 litres is more