-0.003 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational Numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.
0003 or three. If you want, you can say 'zero zero zero three'.
0.0003 = 3/10000
They both equal the same as long as there are no numbers before the zeroes.
0003 or three. If you want, you can say 'zero zero zero three'.
Tolong jawabannya error E000246-0003 di mesin fotocopy ir3235
It is 3.
0003 Hours
.0003 cm
0.0003 = 3/10000
.0003 cm
0.0003 as % rate:= 0.0003* 100%= 0.03%
FRAM - PH6017a
FRAM - PH6017a