No. 0.002 is 0.2%
20% is 0.2 (to change a decimal to a percent multiply the decimal by 100).
002 is 2 and 020 is 20, so 020 is greater.
20 percent of 16.95 is equal to 3.39.20 percent off 16.95 is equal to 13.56.
0.2 equals to 20 percent
101000*20% = 20200
002 is 2 and 020 is 20, so 020 is greater.
20 percent of 16.95 is equal to 3.39.20 percent off 16.95 is equal to 13.56.
0.2 is equal to 20%.
20 percent is equal to 2 over 10
.002 or .2%
20% is equal to 1/5
%*amount=answer %*2000=4 4/2000=% equals .2% or .002
20% = 2,000
20% is 1/5th
.2 which would equal 20%.